Kato Concentaded colors - #68455
Kato Concentaded colors - #68455

Kato Concentaded colors

  • € 8,99 with > 0
Voor elke euro een hobbypunt, wat zijn hobbypunten?

kato primary colors

- are extra strong colors & nbsp;

- ideal for mixing with, for example, white

- Packed per 4 different shades. < /P>

Strongest clay that is available on the market.

the palette of a painter < /Span> , can Kato Polyclay & Trade; colors be mixed < an class = 'hps' title = 'click for alternative translations'> to any desired color in cre & euml; run

simple mix and Dealing with a not - sticky formula . Good Color Stability and uniform Consistency , plus the superior Strength at a great price. all this , and the is nice < /Span> too! polymer clay is hot !

Therefore a new clay in our already extensive shop.

Of course Kato Polyclay can also be mixed with the other brands.

Artikel nr.:68455
In assortiment sinds:28-12-2013
Fits in mailbox:Yes
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